
 Summary Description Report

Search Positions for www.salentovirtuale.com

Report created martedì 3 gennaio 2006 at 08.32

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Jump to Keywords for:
[AltaVista] [AOL Web Sites] [Excite] [Google] [Lycos] [Lycos (Italy)] [MSN (Italy)] [Tiscali (Italy)] [Virgilio (Italy)] [Yahoo Web Results]

Jump to URLs for: [AltaVista] [AOL Web Sites] [Excite] [Google] [Lycos] [Lycos (Italy)] [MSN (Italy)] [Tiscali (Italy)] [Virgilio (Italy)] [Yahoo Web Results]

URL Searches with: AltaVista

There are at least 30 pages from www.salentovirtuale.com currently indexed by AltaVista.
Keyword Search for: AltaVista
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

AltaVista Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
AltaVista Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 14     Page: 2     View Detail
  1. Foto barocco leccese
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... FOTO DEL BAROCCO LECCESE. Foto di Lecce: Roberto Perrone ...

AltaVista Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 10     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Salento Virtuale, il portale del Sud
    Salento Virtuale ti fa conoscere i più bei posti del sud puglia dantoti la possibilita anche di trovare un alloggio per le vacanze, casa, albergo o residence. ... salento, provincia di lecce, salento bello, salento publia, viaggi nel salento, vacanze nel salento, salento di notte ... vacanze Puglia Lecce Puglia Lecce Puglia Lecce Marina di ...

AltaVista Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 7     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Foto Salento, tutti i paesi salentini
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... LE PIU' BELLE FOTO SUL SALENTO. Una foto per ogni paese salentino, scopri le bellezze della nostra terra: ...

AltaVista Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 5     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Locali notturni - pub - discoteche del Salento
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... Per ricevere le ultime novità del portale. I LOCALI NOTTURNI di SALENTO d'ESTATE. CAFE' BIARRIZT ... > Spiagge. > Locali notturni. > Strutture turistiche ...

    Position: 16     Page: 2     View Detail

  2. I Locali di Lecce
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce)

AltaVista Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 26     Page: 3     View Detail
  1. Gli appuntamenti etnici del Salento
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... "PIZZICATI" i concerti etnici nel salento 2004 ... Lun 07-06-2004 : Concerto dei "Salento Orkestra" a Nardò ...

AltaVista Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 10     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Ricette tipiche salentine
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... Per ricevere le ultime novità del portale. RICETTE SALENTINE (i nostri piatti tipici) ...

URL Searches with: AOL Web Sites
There is at least 1 page from www.salentovirtuale.com indexed by AOL Web Sites.
Keyword Search for: AOL Web Sites
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

AOL Web Sites Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
AOL Web Sites Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
AOL Web Sites Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
AOL Web Sites Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
AOL Web Sites Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 1     Page: 1     View Detail

AOL Web Sites Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
AOL Web Sites Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!

URL Searches with: Excite

ERROR OCCURRED: The content results for Excite was not in the expected format. There's two possible causes for this:
1) An error occurred while querying the engine such as 'Server is temporarily unavailable'. In other cases, results may come back incomplete or truncated. Engines are not yet 100% reliable. If this is the case, you may simply need to re-run the reports.
2) Excite may have changed its HTML output format recently in a way which affects the reporting software. The reporting software manufacturer has already been notified electronically of this problem. Corrected reporting should resume soon.

[ERROR MESSAGE: 'Record begin string was not found in search results.]'

Keyword Search for: Excite
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

Excite Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

ERROR OCCURRED: The content results for Excite was not in the expected format. There's two possible causes for this:
1) An error occurred while querying the engine such as 'Server is temporarily unavailable'. In other cases, results may come back incomplete or truncated. Engines are not yet 100% reliable. If this is the case, you may simply need to re-run the reports.
2) Excite may have changed its HTML output format recently in a way which affects the reporting software. The reporting software manufacturer has already been notified electronically of this problem. Corrected reporting should resume soon.

[ERROR MESSAGE: 'Record begin string was not found in search results.]'

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Excite Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

ERROR OCCURRED: The content results for Excite was not in the expected format. There's two possible causes for this:
1) An error occurred while querying the engine such as 'Server is temporarily unavailable'. In other cases, results may come back incomplete or truncated. Engines are not yet 100% reliable. If this is the case, you may simply need to re-run the reports.
2) Excite may have changed its HTML output format recently in a way which affects the reporting software. The reporting software manufacturer has already been notified electronically of this problem. Corrected reporting should resume soon.

[ERROR MESSAGE: 'Record begin string was not found in search results.]'

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Excite Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

ERROR OCCURRED: The content results for Excite was not in the expected format. There's two possible causes for this:
1) An error occurred while querying the engine such as 'Server is temporarily unavailable'. In other cases, results may come back incomplete or truncated. Engines are not yet 100% reliable. If this is the case, you may simply need to re-run the reports.
2) Excite may have changed its HTML output format recently in a way which affects the reporting software. The reporting software manufacturer has already been notified electronically of this problem. Corrected reporting should resume soon.

[ERROR MESSAGE: 'Record begin string was not found in search results.]'

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Excite Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

ERROR OCCURRED: The content results for Excite was not in the expected format. There's two possible causes for this:
1) An error occurred while querying the engine such as 'Server is temporarily unavailable'. In other cases, results may come back incomplete or truncated. Engines are not yet 100% reliable. If this is the case, you may simply need to re-run the reports.
2) Excite may have changed its HTML output format recently in a way which affects the reporting software. The reporting software manufacturer has already been notified electronically of this problem. Corrected reporting should resume soon.

[ERROR MESSAGE: 'Record begin string was not found in search results.]'

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Excite Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

ERROR OCCURRED: The content results for Excite was not in the expected format. There's two possible causes for this:
1) An error occurred while querying the engine such as 'Server is temporarily unavailable'. In other cases, results may come back incomplete or truncated. Engines are not yet 100% reliable. If this is the case, you may simply need to re-run the reports.
2) Excite may have changed its HTML output format recently in a way which affects the reporting software. The reporting software manufacturer has already been notified electronically of this problem. Corrected reporting should resume soon.

[ERROR MESSAGE: 'Record begin string was not found in search results.]'

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Excite Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

ERROR OCCURRED: The content results for Excite was not in the expected format. There's two possible causes for this:
1) An error occurred while querying the engine such as 'Server is temporarily unavailable'. In other cases, results may come back incomplete or truncated. Engines are not yet 100% reliable. If this is the case, you may simply need to re-run the reports.
2) Excite may have changed its HTML output format recently in a way which affects the reporting software. The reporting software manufacturer has already been notified electronically of this problem. Corrected reporting should resume soon.

[ERROR MESSAGE: 'Record begin string was not found in search results.]'

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Excite Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

ERROR OCCURRED: The content results for Excite was not in the expected format. There's two possible causes for this:
1) An error occurred while querying the engine such as 'Server is temporarily unavailable'. In other cases, results may come back incomplete or truncated. Engines are not yet 100% reliable. If this is the case, you may simply need to re-run the reports.
2) Excite may have changed its HTML output format recently in a way which affects the reporting software. The reporting software manufacturer has already been notified electronically of this problem. Corrected reporting should resume soon.

[ERROR MESSAGE: 'Record begin string was not found in search results.]'

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!

URL Searches with: Google

Domain searches on Google are not supported. You may, however, do individual URL searches.

Keyword Search for: Google
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

Google Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Google Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 2     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Foto barocco leccese

Google Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 28     Page: 3     View Detail
  1. salento lecce puglia - sud italia
    Il portale sul salento, le sue terre, i suoi prodotto e le sue origini.
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com/mare/premio_barocco.htm - 9k -

Google Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 2     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Foto Salento, tutti i paesi salentini

Google Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 1     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. A spasso tra i locali del Salento

    Position: 2     Page: 1     View Detail

  2. Salento D'estate - I locali più belli del Salento

Google Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 6     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Gli appuntamenti etnici del Salento

Google Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 1     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Ricette tipiche salentine

URL Searches with: Lycos
There are at least 2 pages from salentovirtuale.com currently indexed by Lycos.
Keyword Search for: Lycos
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

Lycos Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Lycos Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Lycos Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Lycos Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Lycos Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 10     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Gli appuntamenti di Lecce
    ...belle foto del salento] [Storie e miti di puglia] [Ricette salentine] [Affitti appartamenti] [locali notturni] [Salento parade...

Lycos Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Lycos Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!

URL Searches with: Lycos (Italy)

Domain searches are not supported by Lycos IT. However, you may do individual URL searches.

Keyword Search for: Lycos (Italy)
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

Lycos (Italy) Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Lycos (Italy) Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 3     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Foto barocco leccese
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... FOTO DEL BAROCCO LECCESE. Foto di Lecce: Roberto Perrone ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com ...

Lycos (Italy) Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 10     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Salento Virtuale, il portale del Sud
    Salento Virtuale ti fa conoscere i più bei posti del sud puglia dantoti la possibilita anche di trovare un alloggio per le vacanze, casa, albergo o residence. ...

Lycos (Italy) Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 15     Page: 2     View Detail

  1. Foto Salento, tutti i paesi salentini
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... LE PIU' BELLE FOTO SUL SALENTO. Una foto per ogni paese ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com ...

Lycos (Italy) Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 5     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Locali notturni - pub - discoteche del Salento
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... Per ricevere le ultime novità del portale. I LOCALI NOTTURNI di SALENTO ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com ...

Lycos (Italy) Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 22     Page: 3     View Detail

  1. Gli appuntamenti etnici del Salento
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... "PIZZICATI" i concerti etnici nel salento 2004 ... Lun 07-06-2004 : Concerto ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com ...

Lycos (Italy) Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 3     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Ricette tipiche salentine
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... Per ricevere le ultime novità del portale. RICETTE SALENTINE (i nostri piatti tipici) ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com ...

URL Searches with: MSN (Italy)

There are at least 30 pages from www.salentovirtuale.com currently indexed by MSN (Italy).
Keyword Search for: MSN (Italy)
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

MSN (Italy) Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 7     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Salento Virtuale, il portale del Sud
    salento, provincia di lecce, salento bello, salento publia, viaggi nel salento, vacanze nel salento, salento di notte, case salento, mare salento, coste del sud, http://www.google.it Affitti Vacanze ...
MSN (Italy) Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
MSN (Italy) Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
MSN (Italy) Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 30     Page: 3     View Detail

  1. Salento Virtuale, il portale del Sud
    Offre informazioni e notizie su alcune città del territorio, foto, forum, chat, mercatino, eventi e tradizioni popolari
MSN (Italy) Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 23     Page: 3     View Detail

  1. Salento Virtuale, il portale del Sud
    ... publia, viaggi nel salento, vacanze nel salento, salento di notte, case salento, mare salento, coste del ... A spasso tra i locali notturni discoteche, pub, birrerie, paninoteche, bar ...
MSN (Italy) Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 21     Page: 3     View Detail

  1. Salento Virtuale, il portale del Sud
    ... salento, vacanze nel salento, salento di notte, case salento ... Cerchi casa nel salento? consulta le nostre offerte L'unica rubrica on-line dedicata ai concerti etnici Hai Qualcosa da ...
MSN (Italy) Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 21     Page: 3     View Detail

  1. Salento Virtuale, il portale del Sud
    Ricette Salentine spaghetti al riccio, verdure, zuppe di pesce, dolci.... _________________ Oppure guarda il calendario mensile degli appuntamenti scegli la tua zona: Taranto Brindisi Lecce ...

URL Searches with: Tiscali (Italy)

Sorry -- Tiscali does not support domain searches.

Keyword Search for: Tiscali (Italy)
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

Tiscali (Italy) Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Tiscali (Italy) Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 2     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Foto barocco leccese
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... FOTO DEL BAROCCO LECCESE. Foto di Lecce: Roberto Perrone. Vista Sedile. Rosone Santa Croce. Teatro Romano ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com/barocco/fotobarocco.asp - 55k
Tiscali (Italy) Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Tiscali (Italy) Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 2     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Foto Salento, tutti i paesi salentini
    LE PIU' BELLE FOTO SUL SALENTO. Una foto per ogni paese salentino, scopri le bellezze della nostra terra:. SCEGLI IL TUO PAESE. Scegli il tuo paese: ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com/fotosalento/fotosalento.asp - 56k
Tiscali (Italy) Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 1     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. A spasso tra i locali del Salento
    "A spasso tra i locali notturni" è una guida ai locali del Salento. Nelle nostre directory potete trovare tutti i locali divisi per provincia. ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com/locali/locali.asp - 54k
  2. Position: 2     Page: 1     View Detail

  3. Salento D'estate - I locali più belli del Salento
    SALENTO D'ESTATE La guida "virtuale" alle spiagge, ai locali notturni e al divertentismo sulla splendida costa salentina. Entra per conoscere i più bei ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com/estate/estate.asp - 50k
Tiscali (Italy) Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Tiscali (Italy) Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 1     Page: 1     View Detail
  1. Ricette tipiche salentine
    RICETTE SALENTINE (i nostri piatti tipici) ... [Storie e miti di puglia] [Ricette salentine] [Affitti appartamenti] [locali notturni] [Salento parade] ...
    http://www.salentovirtuale.com/ricette/ricette.asp - 58k

URL Searches with: Virgilio (Italy)
There are at least 2 pages from www.salentovirtuale.com currently indexed by Virgilio (Italy).
Keyword Search for: Virgilio (Italy)
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

Virgilio (Italy) Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Virgilio (Italy) Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 2     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Foto barocco leccese
    Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... FOTO DEL BAROCCO LECCESE. Foto di Lecce: Roberto Perrone. Vista Sedile. Rosone Santa Croce. Teatro Romano ...

Virgilio (Italy) Keyword #3:  salento lecce
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 7     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Salento Virtuale
    All'interno del sito trovate informazioni regione della Puglia, sulle città, foto, forum, chat, mercatino, appuntamenti, notizie, annunci, eventi, tradizioni popolari, musica, la pizzica.

Virgilio (Italy) Keyword #4:  foto salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 5     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Foto Salento, tutti i paesi salentini
    LE PIU' BELLE FOTO SUL SALENTO. Una foto per ogni paese salentino, scopri le bellezze della nostra terra:. SCEGLI IL TUO PAESE. Scegli il tuo paese: ...

    Position: 6     Page: 1     View Detail

  2. Salento Virtuale
    All'interno del sito trovate informazioni regione della Puglia, sulle città, foto, forum, chat, mercatino, appuntamenti, notizie, annunci, eventi, tradizioni popolari, musica, la pizzica.

Virgilio (Italy) Keyword #5:  locali salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 1     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. A spasso tra i locali del Salento
    "A spasso tra i locali notturni" è una guida ai locali del Salento. Nelle nostre directory potete trovare tutti i locali divisi per provincia. ...

    Position: 2     Page: 1     View Detail

  2. Salento D'estate - I locali più belli del Salento
    SALENTO D'ESTATE La guida "virtuale" alle spiagge, ai locali notturni e al divertentismo sulla splendida costa salentina. Entra per conoscere i più bei ...

    Position: 6     Page: 1     View Detail

  3. Salento Virtuale
    All'interno del sito trovate informazioni regione della Puglia, sulle città, foto, forum, chat, mercatino, appuntamenti, notizie, annunci, eventi, tradizioni popolari, musica, la pizzica.

Virgilio (Italy) Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 28     Page: 3     View Detail

  1. Salento Virtuale
    All'interno del sito trovate informazioni regione della Puglia, sulle città, foto, forum, chat, mercatino, appuntamenti, notizie, annunci, eventi, tradizioni popolari, musica, la pizzica.

Virgilio (Italy) Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 1     Page: 1     View Detail

  1. Ricette tipiche salentine
    RICETTE SALENTINE (i nostri piatti tipici) ... [Storie e miti di puglia] [Ricette salentine] [Affitti appartamenti] [locali notturni] [Salento parade] ...

URL Searches with: Yahoo Web Results
There are at least 19 pages from www.salentovirtuale.com currently indexed by Yahoo Web Results.
Keyword Search for: Yahoo Web Results
Keywords:  [salento]  [barocco leccese]  [salento lecce]  [foto salento]  [locali salento]  [concerti salento]  [ricette salentine]  

Yahoo Web Results Keyword #1:  salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

NONE of your pages were found for this keyword at least within the first 30 matches!
Yahoo Web Results Keyword #2:  barocco leccese
Matches Scanned: 30  

Position: 30     Page: 3     View Detail
  1. Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... FOTO DEL BAROCCO LECCESE. Foto di Lecce: Roberto Perrone ...

Yahoo Web Results Keyword #3:  salento lecce
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Yahoo Web Results Keyword #4:  foto salento
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  1. Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... LE PIU' BELLE FOTO SUL SALENTO. Una foto per ogni paese salentino, scopri le bellezze della nostra terra: ...

Yahoo Web Results Keyword #5:  locali salento
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  1. Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... Per ricevere le ultime novità del portale. I LOCALI NOTTURNI di SALENTO d'ESTATE. CAFE' BIARRIZT ... > Spiagge. > Locali notturni. > Strutture turistiche ...

Yahoo Web Results Keyword #6:  concerti salento
Matches Scanned: 30  

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Yahoo Web Results Keyword #7:  ricette salentine
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  1. Il Portale Sul Salento. ( Puglia, Lecce) ... Per ricevere le ultime novità del portale. RICETTE SALENTINE (i nostri piatti tipici) ...

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