
 Concise Report

Search Positions for www.salentovirtuale.com

Report created martedì 3 gennaio 2006 at 08.33

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Jump to Keywords for:
[AltaVista] [AOL Web Sites] [Excite] [Google] [Lycos] [Lycos (Italy)] [MSN (Italy)] [Tiscali (Italy)] [Virgilio (Italy)] [Yahoo Web Results]

Visibility Statistics
First Place Rankings: 7 Top 5: 20 Top 10: 30 Top 20: 36 Top 30: 45
Moved Up: 17 Moved Down: 13 Same: 15 Total: 45 Gain/Loss: 4
Keywords: 7 Engines: 10 Visibility Score: 799 Visibility Percentage: 38,05%  

Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
barocco leccese 14 2 Not in first  30. 17+ www.salentovirtuale.com/barocco/fotobarocco.asp
salento lecce 10 1 8 -2 www.salentovirtuale.com/
foto salento 7 1 5 -2 www.salentovirtuale.com/fotosalento/c-d.asp
locali salento 5 1 15 +10 www.salentovirtuale.com/estate/locali.asp
locali salento 16 2 NA 15+ www.salentovirtuale.com/locali/lecce/lecce.asp
concerti salento 26 3 15 -11 www.salentovirtuale.com/pizzicati.asp
ricette salentine 10 1 Not in first  30. 21+ www.salentovirtuale.com/ricette/ricette.asp

AOL Web Sites
Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first 2. NA NA No pages found.
barocco leccese Not in first 30. Not in first 2. NA NA No pages found.
salento lecce Not in first 30. Not in first 2. NA NA No pages found.
foto salento Not in first 30. Not in first 2. NA NA No pages found.
locali salento 1 1 1 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/locali/locali.asp
concerti salento Not in first 30. Not in first 2. NA NA No pages found.
ricette salentine Not in first 30. Not in first 2. NA NA No pages found.

Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first page. NA NA ERROR Occurred
barocco leccese Not in first 30. Not in first page. NA NA ERROR Occurred
salento lecce Not in first 30. Not in first page. NA NA ERROR Occurred
foto salento Not in first 30. Not in first page. NA NA ERROR Occurred
locali salento Not in first 30. Not in first page. NA NA ERROR Occurred
concerti salento Not in first 30. Not in first page. NA NA ERROR Occurred
ricette salentine Not in first 30. Not in first page. NA NA ERROR Occurred

Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
barocco leccese 2 1 1 -1 www.salentovirtuale.com/barocco/fotobarocco.asp
salento lecce 28 3 NA 3+ www.salentovirtuale.com/mare/premio_barocco.htm
foto salento 2 1 2 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/fotosalento/fotosalento.asp
locali salento 1 1 1 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/locali/locali.asp
locali salento 2 1 2 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/estate/estate.asp
concerti salento 6 1 6 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/pizzicati.asp
ricette salentine 1 1 3 +2 www.salentovirtuale.com/ricette/ricette.asp

Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
barocco leccese Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
salento lecce Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
foto salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
locali salento 10 1 Not in first  30. 21+ www.salentovirtuale.com
concerti salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
ricette salentine Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.

Lycos (Italy)
Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
barocco leccese 3 1 Not in first  30. 28+ www.salentovirtuale.com/barocco/fotobarocco.asp
salento lecce 10 1 5 -5 www.salentovirtuale.com/
foto salento 15 2 8 -7 www.salentovirtuale.com/fotosalento/fotosalento.asp
locali salento 5 1 NA 26+ www.salentovirtuale.com/estate/locali.asp
concerti salento 22 3 20 -2 www.salentovirtuale.com/pizzicati.asp
ricette salentine 3 1 Not in first  30. 28+ www.salentovirtuale.com/ricette/ricette.asp

MSN (Italy)
Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento 7 1 3 -4 www.salentovirtuale.com
barocco leccese Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
salento lecce Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
foto salento 30 3 20 -10 www.salentovirtuale.com
locali salento 23 3 NA 8+ www.salentovirtuale.com
concerti salento 21 3 16 -5 www.salentovirtuale.com
ricette salentine 21 3 22 +1 www.salentovirtuale.com

Tiscali (Italy)
Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
barocco leccese 2 1 2 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/barocco/fotobarocco.asp
salento lecce Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
foto salento 2 1 2 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/fotosalento/fotosalento.asp
locali salento 1 1 1 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/locali/locali.asp
locali salento 2 1 2 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/estate/estate.asp
concerti salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
ricette salentine 1 1 2 +1 www.salentovirtuale.com/ricette/ricette.asp

Virgilio (Italy)
Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
barocco leccese 2 1 2 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/barocco/fotobarocco.asp" class="link16
salento lecce 7 1 6 -1 www.salentovirtuale.com/" class="link16
foto salento 5 1 5 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/fotosalento/fotosalento.asp" class="link16
foto salento 6 1 6 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/" class="link16
locali salento 1 1 1 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/locali/locali.asp" class="link16
locali salento 2 1 2 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/estate/estate.asp" class="link16
locali salento 6 1 6 0 www.salentovirtuale.com/" class="link16
concerti salento 28 3 27 -1 www.salentovirtuale.com/" class="link16
ricette salentine 1 1 2 +1 www.salentovirtuale.com/ricette/ricette.asp" class="link16

Yahoo Web Results
Keyword Position Page Last Position Change URL
salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
barocco leccese 30 3 Not in first  30. 1+ www.salentovirtuale.com/barocco/fotobarocco.asp
salento lecce Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
foto salento 18 2 13 -5 www.salentovirtuale.com/fotosalento/c-d.asp
locali salento 11 2 Not in first  30. 20+ www.salentovirtuale.com/estate/locali.asp
concerti salento Not in first 30. Not in first 3. NA NA No pages found.
ricette salentine 18 2 Not in first  30. 13+ www.salentovirtuale.com/ricette/ricette.asp

Not in first 30 means your Web site was not found in the top 30 positions.
NA means Non-Applicable or no prior day's positions to report yet.
NM means No Matches were found for that keyword search.
Jump to Keywords for:
[AltaVista] [AOL Web Sites] [Excite] [Google] [Lycos] [Lycos (Italy)] [MSN (Italy)] [Tiscali (Italy)] [Virgilio (Italy)] [Yahoo Web Results]

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Report created martedì 3 gennaio 2006 by ormag.it.